Hey love world! I am a 36, college-educated, full time entrepreneur and a single
black female, who has never been married, engaged or birthed any children. I am a lover of love and have a lot of love to give and I am responsible for giving that love to some who
didn’t earn it and deserve it. I guess you can say I’m a unicorn! I can
count on one hand, how many real relationships I have been in. "Situationships" there are plenty of those, in retrospect too many of them! As we approach Valentine's Day, I wanted to divert my energy of singleness to one of empowerment for myself, my tribe of girlfriends and all the "single ladies" < insert Beyonce>, no really insert Beyonce! We need help! My singleness journey thus far has manifested into a love yourself, girl God has not forgotten about you, no good thing will He keep from you empowerment for women type of mission!

This week/end many of you may feel like the quote above. That you're just not going to show up on Valentine's Day, but I have this crazy belief that God has this huge, big love for me. That's the only thing that makes sense. So, I can't skip Valentine's Day. Sorry, not sorry! It can't just be another day for me. It has to be a day that I love on myself and the people around me. Speaking of love, Cherish The Day has put me right in the mood for it.

I watched the two part premiere this week on the OWN Network, created by Ava DuVernay. Hey girl, hey! The anthology introduces the two main characters Gently and Evan and showcases how love is sparked, cultivated and survives the challenges of life. I don't want to give all the deets away, but Gently meets Evan while she was running an errand for her employer. I like to purport that Gently met Evan while she was walking in her purpose. MESSAGE! Gently wasn't sitting around and waiting, she was getting ish done! She was in the fields gleaning like Ruth in the bible, well really she was in the library fighting for Luma's (played by Cicely Tyson) overdue library books, but you get the point! Evan attempts to come to Gently's rescue when he meets this strong, insightful, no tolerance queen! An Instagram DM later and they're on their first date. While sharing desserts on the street corner, Gently and Evan share a conversation about happiness. Gently so profoundly states, "People want to be around happy people, more than people who aren't happy, so why not try our best to make other people happy. In every interaction, in every moment with every person." This happiness that Gently speaks of doesn't just come from a romantic love. I believe it stems from the love we possess for ourselves and the love we feel we deserve from others. If we would just believe that we are God's best and know that His love for us is unwavering, we would be reserved in what we allowed to enter our lives that represents the polar opposite. I posted this quote on my Instagram this week (@lala_bangs), stating "You will be amazed at what you attract once you start believing in what you deserve." Ba-by! This has been part of my journey. I realized that I attracted certain men and projects in my life according to how I felt about LaShannon. It's not that, I didn't want the best, but I didn't possess the God-confidence to receive it and to walk through these 2020 doors of opportunity, but now I do! I'm asking God for everything! Lord send "somebody's son", send the clients, send Ava, send Oprah, send Essence, send weight loss, send peace, send travel, send prosperity, send all that I have dreamed that is aligned with your will!
As we delve into part two of the premiere, there was something special about the scene in Evan's apartment after their visit to the hospital. Something so real, innocent, romantic and I said to myself, "I felt that before." That peace, happiness, safe space, a simplicity enveloped with emotions, too early to feel, but evident and present in both. I felt that before and I want to feel it again!
For many of you reading this blog your journey at this juncture, may not be love, but it maybe about self discovery.
Regardless, I want you to:
Cherish The Day that you realize you are the prize!
Cherish The Day when you know you are to be chosen and not do the chasing.
Cherish The Day where you are unapologetically happy with who God created you to be and walk in that light!
Cherish The Day!
I am fearfully and wonderfully made! That is scripture and it is the true, the creator created greatness. If we do not have that type of self worth, we will never see ourselves in the position of peace, joy and happiness.
ReplyDeleteYou said it so eloquently ” I believe it stems from the love we possess for ourselves and the love we feel we deserve from others. If we would just believe that we are God's best and know that His love for us is unwavering, we would be reserved in what we allowed to enter our lives that represents the polar opposite.
How do you see yourself?